Engage Engine API
►NAppConfigurationObjects | |
C_DataElementUint8_t | |
C_DataElementUnint16_t | |
C_DataElementUnint32_t | |
C_DataElementUnint64_t | |
C_DataSeriesHeader_t | |
CAdvancedTxParams | Configuration when using the engageBeginGroupTxAdvanced API |
CAdvertising | Defines parameters for advertising of an entity such as a known, public, group |
CAec | Acoustic Echo Cancellation settings |
CAgc | Agc |
CAndroidAudio | Default audio settings for AndroidAudio |
CAudio | Used to configure the Audio properties for a group |
CAudioDeviceDescriptor | Custom Audio Device Configuration |
CAudioGate | Description of an audio gate |
CBlobInfo | Describes the Blob data being sent used in the engageSendGroupBlob API |
CBridge | Bridging session settings |
CBridgeCreationDetail | Detailed information for a bridge creation |
CBridgingConfiguration | Bridging configuration |
CBridgingServerConfiguration | Configuration for the bridging server |
CBridgingServerInternals | Internal bridging server settings |
CBridgingServerStatusReportConfiguration | TODO: Configuration for the bridging server status report file |
CCertificateDescriptor | Description of a certificate |
CCertificateSubjectElement | Description of a certificate subject element |
CCertStore | Holds a certstore |
CCertStoreCertificate | Holds a certificate and (optionally) a private key in a certstore |
CCertStoreCertificateElement | Description of a certstore certificate element |
CCertStoreDescriptor | Description of a certstore |
CConfigurationObjectBase | |
CConnectivity | Connectivity Information used as part of the PresenceDescriptor |
CDiscoveryCistech | Cistech Discovery settings |
CDiscoveryConfiguration | Configuration for the Discovery features |
CDiscoveryMagellan | DiscoveryMagellan Discovery settings |
CDiscoverySap | Session Announcement Discovery settings settings |
CDiscoverySsdp | Simple Service Discovery Protocol settings |
CDiscoveryTrellisware | Trellisware Discovery settings |
CEarGroupsConfiguration | Ear configuration |
CEarServerConfiguration | Configuration for the ear server |
CEarServerInternals | Internal ear server settings |
CEarServerStatusReportConfiguration | TODO: Configuration for the ear server status report file |
CEngageDiscoveredGroup | Internal RTS use |
CEngageSemGroupsConfiguration | Engage Semaphore configuration |
CEngageSemServerConfiguration | Configuration for the EFC server |
CEngageSemServerInternals | Internal EFC server settings |
CEngageSemServerStatusReportConfiguration | TODO: Configuration for the EFC server status report file |
CEngineNetworkingRpUdpStreaming | Configuration for RP UDP streaming |
CEnginePolicy | Provides Engage Engine policy configuration |
CEnginePolicyAudio | Default audio settings for Engage Engine policy |
CEnginePolicyDatabase | |
CEnginePolicyInternals | Internal Engage Engine settings |
CEnginePolicyLogging | Engine logging settings |
CEnginePolicyNamedAudioDevices | |
CEnginePolicyNetworking | |
CEnginePolicySecurity | Default certificate to use for security operation in the Engage Engine |
CEnginePolicyTimelines | Engine Policy Timeline configuration |
CEngineStatusReportConfiguration | TODO: Configuration for the translation server status report file |
CExternalCodecDescriptor | Describes an external codec |
CExternalHealthCheckResponder | TODO: Configuration to enable external systems to use to check if the service is still running |
CExternalModule | Base for a description of an external module |
CFeature | |
CFeatureset | |
CFileRecordingRequest | |
CFipsCryptoSettings | |
CGroup | Group Configuration |
CGroupAppTransport | Configuration for the optional custom transport functionality for Group |
CGroupConnectionDetail | Detailed information for a group connection |
CGroupCreationDetail | Detailed information for a group creation |
CGroupHealthReport | Detailed information regarding a group's health |
CGroupPriorityTranslation | Details for priority transmission based on unique network addressing |
CGroupReconfigurationDetail | Detailed information for a group reconfiguration |
CGroupStats | Detailed statistics for group |
CGroupTalkers | List of TalkerInformation objects |
CGroupTimeline | Configuration for Timeline functionality for Group |
CGroupTxDetail | Detailed information for a group transmit |
CIdentity | Users Identity |
CIgmpSnooping | Configuration for IGMP snooping |
CInboundProcessorStats | Detailed statistics for an inbound processor |
CLicenseDescriptor | Helper class for serializing and deserializing the LicenseDescriptor JSON |
CLicensing | Licensing settings |
CLingoConfiguration | Lingo configuration |
CLingoServerConfiguration | Configuration for the linguistics server |
CLingoServerInternals | Internal translator server settings |
CLingoServerStatusReportConfiguration | TODO: Configuration for the translation server status report file |
CListOfAudioDeviceDescriptor | |
CListOfNetworkInterfaceDevice | |
CLocation | Location information used as part of the PresenceDescriptor |
CMission | |
CNamedAudioDevice | |
CNetworkAddress | NetworkAddress |
CNetworkAddressRestrictionList | NetworkAddressRestrictionList |
CNetworkAddressRxTx | NetworkAddressRxTx |
CNetworkDeviceDescriptor | Custom Network Device Configuration |
CNetworkInterfaceDevice | |
CNetworkTxOptions | Network Transmit Options |
CNsmConfiguration | NsmConfiguration |
CNsmNetworking | NsmNetworking |
CPacketCapturer | Description of a packet capturer |
CPeeringConfiguration | Configuration for Rallypoint peers |
CPlatformDiscoveredService | RTS internal use |
CPower | Device Power Information used as part of the PresenceDescriptor |
CPresence | Describes how the Presence is configured for a group of type Group::gtPresence in Group::Type_t |
CPresenceDescriptor | Represents an endpoints presence properties. Used in engageUpdatePresenceDescriptor API and PFN_ENGAGE_GROUP_NODE events |
CPresenceDescriptorGroupItem | Group Alias used as part of the PresenceDescriptor |
CRallypoint | Rallypoint |
CRallypointAdvertisingSettings | Defines settings for Rallypoint advertising |
CRallypointCluster | RallypointCluster |
CRallypointConnectionDetail | Detailed information for a rallypoint connection |
CRallypointExtendedGroupRestriction | Defines settings for Rallypoint extended group restrictions |
CRallypointPeer | RTS internal use |
CRallypointReflector | Definition of a static group for Rallypoints |
CRallypointRpRtTimingBehavior | Defines a behavior for a Rallypoint peer roundtrip time |
CRallypointServer | Configuration for the Rallypoint server |
CRallypointServerLimits | TODO: Configuration for Rallypoint limits |
CRallypointServerLinkGraph | |
CRallypointServerRouteMap | |
CRallypointServerStatusReportConfiguration | TODO: Configuration for the Rallypoint status report file |
CRallypointUdpStreaming | Streaming configuration for RP clients |
CRallypointUdpStreamingIpvX | Streaming configuration for RP clients |
CRallypointWebsocketSettings | Defines settings for Rallypoint websockets functionality |
CRangerPackets | Options for Ranger packets |
CRiffDescriptor | Helper class for serializing and deserializing the RiffDescriptor JSON |
CRtpHeader | RTP header information as per RFC 3550 |
CRtpMapEntry | An RTP map entry |
CRtpPayloadTypeTranslation | RtpPayloadTypeTranslation |
CRtpProfile | Configuration for the optional RtpProfile |
CSecureSignature | Configuration for a secure signature |
CSecurityCertificate | Configuration for a Security Certificate used in various configurations |
CSource | Options for Source |
CStringRestrictionList | StringRestrictionList |
CTalkerInformation | Contains talker information used in providing a list in GroupTalkers |
CTalkgroupAsset | TODO: Complete class |
CTcpNetworkTxOptions | Network Transmit Options for TCP |
CTimelineEvent | |
CTimelineQueryParameters | Parameters for querying the group timeline |
CTls | TODO: Transport Security Layer (TLS) settings |
CTrafficCounter | Traffic counters |
CTranslationConfiguration | Translation configuration |
CTranslationSession | Translation session settings |
CTransportImpairment | Description of a transport impairment |
CTuningSettings | |
CTxAudio | Configuration for the audio transmit properties for a group |
CTxAudioUri | Optional audio streaming from a URI for engageBeginGroupTxAdvanced |
CVad | Voice Activity Detection settings |
CVoiceToVoiceSession | Voice to voice session settings |
CWatchdogSettings | |
C_EngageEvents_t | Event Handlers Struct |
C_EngineVT_t | |
C_LmVTBase_t | |
C_LmVTCodec_t | |
►CCrossThreadCallbackWorker | |
CIntParameter | |
CParameter | |
CStringParameter | |
CStringVectorParameter | |
►CEngage | |
CDataElementUint16 | |
CDataElementUint32 | |
CDataElementUint64 | |
CDataElementUint8 | |
CDataSeriesHeader | |
CEngageEvents_t | |
CEngageGroupDescriptor_t | |
CGroupDescriptor | |
CIAudioRecordingNotifications | |
CIBridgeNotifications | |
CIEngineNotifications | |
CIGroupNotifications | |
CIHumanBiometricsNotifications | |
CILicenseNotifications | |
CILoggingNotifications | |
CIRallypointNotifications | |
►CJsonFields | |
CAddress | |
►CAdvancedTxParams | |
CAudioUri | |
CAudioDevice | |
CBlobInfo | |
CCertStoreCertificateElement | |
CCertStoreDescriptor | |
CConnectivity | |
►CEnginePolicy | |
►CAudio | |
CAec | |
CAndroid | |
CInputAgc | |
COutputAgc | |
CVad | |
CCertificate | |
CDatabase | |
►CDiscovery | |
CCistech | |
CMagellan | |
CSsdp | |
CTrellisware | |
CInternals | |
CLicensing | |
CNetworking | |
CSecurity | |
CTimelines | |
CFipsCryptoSettings | |
►CGroup | |
CAudio | |
CPriorityTranslation | |
CTimeline | |
CGroupConnectionDetail | |
CGroupCreationDetail | |
CGroupTalkers | |
CGroupTxDetail | |
CIdentity | |
CLicense | |
CListOfAudioDevice | |
CListOfNetworkInterfaceDevice | |
CLocation | |
CMission | |
CNetworkInterfaceDevice | |
CNetworkTxOptions | |
CPower | |
CPresence | |
►CPresenceDescriptor | |
CGroupItem | |
►CRallypoint | |
CHost | |
CRallypointConnectionDetail | |
CRangerPackets | |
CRiffDescriptor | |
CRtpHeader | |
CRtpProfile | |
CRx | |
CTalkerInformation | |
►CTimelineEvent | |
CAudio | |
CTimelineQuery | |
CTimelineReport | |
CTls | |
CTx | |
CTxAudio | |
CWatchdogSettings |